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Special Needs Programmes

Every person with disabilities is also a person with abilities. We help children with disabilities develop physically and cognitively. We provide training, support and respite for families in the community who are struggling with the challenges of caring for a special needs child. We teach young people to cope with their disabilities and develop their abilities to full potential so that they can successfully live in the community as independently as they are capable, with or without support and supervision. The special needs encountered in these programmes are wide ranging and include developmental delay, cerebral palsy, autism, vision impairment, mobility impairment, learning difficulties. Our vision is many faceted and is being outworked in different centres across China.


'Heavenly Strength'

'Heavenly Strength was an energetic 4 year old girl with spina-bifida. She came to us walking on her ankle bone instead of her foot. Her left leg was also numb and she had significant problems with pressure wounds and infections. After treating her condition for many months we were finally able to operate to help straighten her foot. We are so grateful for the provision of materials and the expertise to allow Heavenly Strength to walk and play like other children. '

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