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Opportunities for Service

- Applications may be made at any time of the year

Long term:

(bilingual or willing to first undertake language study)
Therapists and specialists - Physio, OT, Speech, Early childhood etc.

Short term:

Therapists and specialists for in-house and external training programmes If you would like to explore these opportunities with us, click here, and complete and submit the enquiry form.


Contact Us

'Sometimes we're asked, "Why bother? What's the point?" '...

We believe it is important to care for children with special needs because it is an expression of the fact that God loves everybody; God doesn’t look on the outward appearance. We hope and pray that by our care for these children it will be a tangible expression of God’s love to the people of China, many of whom have never heard of the love of Christ'.
Liz - former overseas volunteer

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