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Child Sponsorship Response Form

(On receipt of your details you will receive an introductory letter from the child together with, if you are a UK resident, standing order and gift aid forms).

I would like to sponsor a child through the child sponsorship scheme and agree to the terms and conditions of sponsorship outlined below:

Please complete the following details:

I would like to sponsor a child by giving: GB£ per month beginning on:

Mr Mrs Miss Ms
first name:
last name:

House name/number:

Anything else you would like to tell us
(eg you wish to make payment other than in GB pounds):

Please enter text shown in image to help us filter spam

Sponsorship Terms and Conditions:

In the event of a child being withdrawn from the Child Sponsorship Scheme because of adoption or other reasons the sponsor will be informed and offered the opportunity to sponsor another child. However, during such periods that sponsors may not be assigned a child any sponsorship payments received will be applied towards the ongoing care, costs and medical needs of children in our childcare centres.

We are not able to release confidential information such as the names and personal details of the carers, foster parents, adoptive parents, other sponsors; the child's medical report; and the main welfare centre's record of the child's background.

Information and photographs given to the sponsor must not be forwarded by email or duplicated and published in any shape or form without our specific and prior permission given in writing.

There is a general fund through which sponsors can if they wish make contributions towards the medical needs and other special events from which all the children benefit.

We are not an adoption agency and are unable to arrange adoptions. All applications for adoption must go through the appropriate channels of the country in which you reside.

By sponsoring a child sponsors agree to abide by these terms and conditions. In view of the need to be sensitive to the local conditions and regulations in China it is essential these terms and conditions are strictly adhered to. This will enable us to administer the child sponsorship scheme and ensure the on-going security of both the children and work.

Last updated: November 2006


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